...To New Endings..

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anybody can start today and make a new ending..."
- Maria Robinson
    People often say endings are difficult. They mark a closure, a termination of a certain thing- an event, a relationship, a book. We don't want to adjust to these endings, we want to prolong the story- just a little bit longer. Going towards an ending is like walking towards a cliff. Once you reach the end, you jump off, not knowing where you're going to end up. Almost all of us are scared of this 'not knowing' part.
 But I believe endings are most misunderstood. An ending is a beautiful thing. It leaves behind memories. It offers you the chance to let go. The best part about ends, is that you can start over if you don't like the current one. It gives one the opportunity to rest the current chapter, breathe and then start a new one, with a fresh mind and a new perspective, taking into account what is learnt from the last chapter- the lessons, the memories... An end marks a beginning.
        And we subconsciously celebrate endings too! Let me give you an example... Today, ends a year. There's nothing new about it, this cycle has been going on for 4.54 billion years. And yet we await today's eve, to  slide into our new dresses and go out partying. To talk about the year ending with our friends and family- all those little things, the details that we usually tend to miss out come flooding back to us on this last day. To countdown the last ten seconds of 2013. What are we doing?
  Celebrating an ending. 
Because we are glad that we made it through another year, happy and alive. That's what endings bring- gladness. Even death marks a person's ascent into a peaceful place, glad of his chance to live.
I'm not against beginnings. I await them too. But this year, I learnt to be thankful for the endings, because they are the very reason we have new beginnings. And I chose to start a new blog at the end of the year, hoping that I, like all of you, will be able to look back at this ending and start over, with new lessons; begin our walk towards a new cliff, a new end. And we'll keep doing this- for the cycle of endings itself is never ending, and because we love the rush, the thrill, the risks we take to get to our end; and once we do, the restlessness to start over.
And as I near the end of this piece, I urge you all reading this to raise your toast tonight to mark the end to a chapter of  your  life, and thank this end for making you realize a good many things, including giving you another go at making a new end.
And, "Everything has to have an end, sometime..."
- L. Frank Baum.
So, well, here's TO NEW ENDINGS.....


  1. Something more for your thoughts.....
    Sunee hikaayat-e-hastee
    To darmiyaan se sunee
    Na ibtidaa kee khabar hai
    Na intiha maalom
    - Shad Azimabadi

    When I woke to the story of life
    It was already the middle of the tale,
    I know nothing of the beginning
    I'll know nothing of the end
    - Translation by Khushwant Singh

  2. Very well written anjali.. the best part about life is that an end is always a new beginning... , let the thoughts keep flowing. Its a pleasure to read your write ups anyday :)

  3. Most endings are beautiful only because there is a certainty about the next beginning (like the year end). Otherwise, why the end of mirth is heaviness!
    Well written, keep it up. Kamlesh Vasavada

  4. Hi Anjali, how do you know this ending is an ending? or a beginning? someday you may find you are right there.... dead centre.........the point is to be there......and wholeheartedly.....looking forward to more........and to meeting you some day.....until then....urmila

  5. Awesome!! I hope this new begining of yours will never end... You are lucky that you know what you like to do at an early age... so take it to the next level and keep writing. You have the qualities of good writer and you are gifted too..
    Very proud of you and looking for more on this blog...


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