
Showing posts from 2013

...To New Endings..

...TO NEW ENDINGS... "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anybody can start today and make a new ending..." - Maria Robinson     People often say endings are difficult. They mark a closure, a termination of a certain thing- an event, a relationship, a book. We don't want to adjust to these endings, we want to prolong the story- just a little bit longer. Going towards an ending is like walking towards a cliff. Once you reach the end, you jump off, not knowing where you're going to end up. Almost all of us are scared of this 'not knowing' part.  But I believe endings are most misunderstood. An ending is a beautiful thing. It leaves behind memories. It offers you the chance to let go. The best part about ends, is that you can start over if you don't like the current one. It gives one the opportunity to rest the current chapter, breathe and then start a new one, with a fresh mind and a new perspective, taking into account what is learnt...